Response to consultation on Heat in Buildings Bill

Consultation proposes new laws on energy efficiency and the way we heat homes and buildings.

Consumer Scotland has published its response to a Scottish Government consultation on a Heat in Buildings Bill.

Consumer Scotland broadly supports the principles behind the proposals, which would prohibit the use of fossil fuel heating as the primary heating system in all buildings by January 2046 and allow for further regulations to improve energy efficiency of Scotland’s buildings.

However, Consumer Scotland has recommended consumers need appropriate incentives, support and information to engage with the transition to low carbon heating and more energy efficient buildings.

Consumer Scotland has also recommended further analysis of the impact of the proposals on individual consumers and small businesses before the Scottish Government reaches decisions on key aspects of the Bill in order to avoid any unintended detriment.

As the statutory body for consumers in Scotland, Consumer Scotland has offered to work with the Scottish Government to help deliver this.

Consumer Scotland has also published its response to a separate Scottish Government consultation on proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard.

The aim of the new standard is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time improving energy and rent affordability for tenants living in social housing.

Consumer Scotland welcomes the overall aims of the new standard, but has highlighted the potential financial impacts of proposals on tenants.

Chief Executive of Consumer Scotland Sam Ghibaldan said:

“These are significant proposals with substantial implications for consumers. We do not underestimate the challenge of decarbonising homes, nor the significant ask being made of consumers to help reach net zero by the end of 2045.

“This consultation is a major opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of buildings in Scotland. That will help achieve climate targets, lead to substantial health benefits and lower energy consumption and potentially bills, all to the benefit of current and future consumers.

“Consumer Scotland would welcome the opportunity to engage with the Scottish Government as the Bill progresses to ensure that the impact on both domestic and non-domestic consumers is fully considered.”


Heat in Buildings Bill consultation response

Social Housing Net Zero Standard consultation response