Consumer Scotland has published its latest quarterly Newsletter.
The January edition highlights the range of actions we have taken over the past quarter to improve outcomes for consumers.
As the statutory body for consumers in Scotland our work addresses issues of importance to consumers across the Scottish economy and the public sector.
Issues covered in the latest Newsletter include:
- recommendations to improve energy support for the terminally ill, disabled people and those with severe health conditions
- new research highlighting a significant gap between public concern in Scotland over climate change and the levels of consumer action currently being taken to tackle it
- urgent measures required to ensure energy suppliers meet their responsibility to replace the remaining Radio Teleswitch (RTS) meters in Scotland by the end of June this year and prevent consumer harm
- the challenges facing low income tenants driven into the private rented sector
- in the postal market Consumer Scotland has described as "unacceptable" the fact Royal Mail has once again missed its delivery targets at a time when the price of post has risen sharply
- the importance to Consumer Scotland of partnership working - with a new Memorandum of Understanding with National Energy System Operator to help ensure the design of future energy systems aligns with consumer behaviours
The January edition also features a spotlight on the work of our water team including recommendations for protection for low income households from future rises in water bills.
If you have any questions or want to discuss any of our work, please get in touch at