Consumer Scotland responds to Ofcom’s report on the universal postal service

Ofcom has published a new Call for Input on the future of the universal postal service.

Responding to the publication Director of Policy and Advocacy at Consumer Scotland Douglas White said:

“Consumers across Scotland rely on the universal postal service. However, postal consumers’ experience in recent years has been affected by rising prices and late deliveries.

"Any changes to the future design of the universal service should be underpinned by concrete actions to resolve long standing issues over quality of service, to improve reliability for consumers and small businesses.

"Ofcom should also use this process to consider more widely the needs of postal consumers now and in the future, and identify opportunities for further improvements that will benefit consumers.

"Ofcom should engage widely throughout the review process and ensure consultation with consumers in vulnerable circumstances and those in rural and remote communities.

"Consumer Scotland will be continuing to engage with the regulator, industry and other consumer groups to provide evidence and insight on the interests of consumers in Scotland and how these can be met by the future universal postal service.”


Last year Ofcom fined Royal Mail £5.6m for failing to meet its first and second class delivery targets in the 2022/2023 financial year.

The cost of postage is also increasing. In April last year the price of a first class stamp increased by 15p to £1.10 and then rose again in October to £1.25. Second class stamps rose by 7p to 75p last year.

The Universal Postal Service

The Affordability of the Universal Postal Service