Product Safety

Office for Product Safety and Standards

UK-wide information on product safety alerts, reports and recalls for unsafe products and resources for consumers, businesses and regulators.

Product Safety Alerts, Reports and Recalls

Food Standards Scotland

Public sector body for Scotland responsible for food safety, food standards, nutrition, food labelling and meat inspection in Scotland.

News and Alerts from Food Standards Scotland

Electrical Safety First

The UK's electrical safety experts dedicated to reducing the number of injuries and deaths caused by electricity across the UK

Product Recalls & Safety Notices

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

An executive agency, sponsored by the UK Government's Department for Transport, which monitors whether a manufacturer has recalled a vehicle, part or accessory.

Safety recall checks

Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency

UK Government agency that provides alerts, recalls and safety information on drugs and medical devices.

Alerts, recalls and safety information: drugs and medical devices

General advice

Advice Direct Scotland

Advice agency providing free and independent advice across a range of subjects including consumer advice, home heating, money, postal services and energy. For questions, inquiries, or assistance Advice Direct Scotland can be contacted on 0808 800 9060 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Advice Direct Scotland

Citizen Advice Bureaux 

A tool to help people find their local Citizen Advice Bureaux that offer face-to-face advice on a wide range of issues. 

Citizen Advice Bureaux

Citizens Advice Scotland

Independent advice network. Advice provided by the service is free, independent, confidential, impartial and available to everyone in Scotland.

Citizens Advice Scotland

Scotland’s Approved Trader Directory

More than half of Scotland’s local authorities operate approved trader schemes through their Trading Standards services, such as Trusted Trader and Buy with Confidence. They are all displayed on the Society of Chief Officers of Trading Standards in Scotland managed website, allowing consumers to choose between traders in different council schemes via a simple postcode and trade type search.

Scotland’s Approved Trader Directory


Advice on scams including what to do if you've been scammed, or have come across a scam.

Which? scams

Financial advice

Money & Pensions Service

A UK-wide public body providing free and impartial debt advice, money guidance and pension guidance to the public.

Money & Pensions Service

Money Map Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland's Money Map helps you find sources of online support to increase your income, reduce your bills and ease the costs of daily living.

Money Map Scotland

Home Energy Scotland

Links to some organisations and funding that can help you manage your money, provide financial support and check if you’re eligible for benefits.

Home Energy Scotland

Check My Council Tax 

Citizens Advice Scotland online tool to help you find out whether you are exempt from having to pay council tax or whether you are eligible for a discount or reduction in your bill.

Check my Council Tax

StepChange Debt Charity Scotland

A charity that supports people experiencing debt problems through telephone and online services.

StepChange Debt Charity Scotland

Financial Conduct Authority

In the UK, nearly all financial service activities must be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. You can search their register for firms and individuals and the activities firms have permissions for.

The Financial Services Register

Age Concern

Advice from the national charity for older people including helping you spot and avoid the latest scams targeting your money.

Age Concern scams advice

Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unit

An organisation that works in partnership with other agencies and organisations across Scotland to tackle loan sharks. The unit operates a confidential helpline on 0800 074 0878.

Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unit

Tax Help for Older People

A UK registered charity that provides free, independent and expert advice and help for older people on lower incomes (£20,000 gross a year or less).

Tax Help for Older People

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Set up under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 the Financial Services Compensation Scheme protects customers of financial services firms that have failed. If the company you’ve been dealing with has gone bust and can’t pay claims against it, they can can step in to pay compensation.

Check if you can make a claim

Business support

Find Business Support

An organisation that directs businesses to Scotland’s public sector support. It gives customers an overview of all funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland. Information is available for businesses of all sizes


Business Gateway

A publicly funded service contributing to the economic well being of Scotland by providing access to free business support services.

Business Gateway

Business Companion

A UK-wide government-backed organisation providing free information for businesses and individuals that need to know about trading standards and consumer protection legislation. Users in Scotland can select "Scotland" from a drop down tab at the top of the website.

Business Companion

Reporting an issue

Financial Conduct Authority

The conduct regulator for financial service firms and markets in the UK. Report a scam or unauthorised firm or make a complaint about a financial product or service.

Financial Conduct Authority


Ofcom is the regulator for the communications services and may be able to help you complain or report issues relating to phone, broadband and postal services, TV, radio and on-demand programmes, interference to wireless devices, or something you have seen on a video-sharing platform. Please note, Ofcom may not be able to deal with individual complaints for each of these areas and you can find out what they do and don't do.


Trading Standards Scotland

A local government service that works to protect consumers from illegal trading practices. To report an issue, contact your local trading standards office.

Trading Standards Scotland

Advertising Standards Authority

The UK’s independent advertising regulator. Raise your concerns about ads you’ve seen or heard across media that you consider are misleading, harmful, offensive or irresponsible.

Advertising Standards Authority


A trade association for UK travel agents, tour operators and the wider travel industry which provides travellers with advice, guidance and support.

Help and complaints

Cyber Security

National Cyber Security Centre

UK Government body that provides advice and support for the public and private sector and individuals on how to avoid computer security threatsIf you have visited a website you think is trying to scam you, report it to the NCSC and they will investigate.

Report a suspicious website

Cyber Scotland

Collaboration of key organisations focussed on improving cyber resilience across Scotland. Cyber Scotland provides advice and guidance and information on reporting an incident and operates a cyber incident response helpline on 0800 1670 623

Report an incident

Unresolved issues

Financial Ombudsman Service

Dispute resolution for unresolved complaints in financial services. Includes banking, insurance, PPI, loans, mortgages, pensions and investments.

If you would like to make a complaint, complete their online complaint form.

Financial Ombudsman Services

Ombudsman Services

Help with unresolved complaints with energy, communications, domestic and general service plan disputes and private parking appeals.

Ombudsman Services.

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Complaints about lawyers in Scotland.

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Complaints about public service organisations in Scotland.

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Information Commissioner's Office

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) upholds information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Make a complaint

Complaints handling statistics



Quarterly statistics: Customer service data | Ofgem

Energy Ombudsman

Quarterly statistics: Complaints data | Energy Ombudsman

Consumer Action Monitor: Consumer Action Monitor | Energy Ombudsman

Disputes: Annual Reports | Energy Ombudsman

Citizens Advice

Quarterly five star rating on energy suppliers’ customer including complaints: Compare energy suppliers' customer service - Citizens Advice

Quarterly non-domestic supplier performance league table: How does your non-domestic supplier stack up? - Citizens Advice



Annual monitoring of the postal market: Annual monitoring report on the postal market - Ofcom

Royal Mail

Annual complaints and compensation publication statistics: Regulatory monitoring (

Quarterly statistics on quality of service and complaints: Quality of Service (

Postal Redress Service (POSTRS)

Data on the types of complaints received and resolution: Reports - CEDR

Citizens Advice

League table of the UK's five largest parcel operators: Parcels League Table

Additional Information

Not what you were looking for? Visit the Ombudsman Services website for a list of other organisations and ombudsman services.

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